Ritorno a scuola: ricette facili per genitori oberati di lavoro

Back to School: Easy Recipes for Overworked Parents

Back to school, but the kids don't want to know anything about it. To make him listen to reason, bet on comfort food with next to nothing. A Wiener schnitzel, pasta with sauce or an apple pie should soon make you forget the end of the holidays. Our advice to get you off to a good start.

#Move up

Between returning to the office and resuming activities, going back to school is not easy. And at the end of the day, coming up with a dinner idea can quickly become a headache.
To combat the collapse of inspirations, there is only one solution: to organize.
For this we rely on easy recipes, which can be prepared in advance. Lasagne, botched pasta, eggplant parmigiana are your best allies in this area. All you have to do is cook or reheat them whenever you want. Another technique consists in anticipating some phases, in batch cooking mode. Chopping vegetables, cooking cereals or preparing condiments... So many tasks that can be done the day before or even frozen for future needs. This avoids last minute stress.
And if one evening you are overwhelmed and the pizza delivery brochure catches your eye, fine, otherwise it can always opt for an artisanal pasta with excellent raw materials with a superlative topping.
Appreciate seeing your to do list lighten up and take the opportunity to have a good evening.

#To delegate

Don't hesitate to involve the whole family. Cooking with children is an opportunity to come together around a creative activity. Children love to help and reproduce their parents' gestures. This will allow them not only to gain autonomy but also to review maths, science and chemistry. It's also a good way to educate your palate and introduce it to new foods. A nice idea could be to organize a themed evening once a week for

discover a different gastronomy. Regional cuisines of which Italy is rich, Spanish or Mexican… They will certainly appreciate it immediately.
Naturally, tasks are assigned according to each person's abilities. Like a true team leader, supervise your mini-brigade with patience and kindness. The goal is to have fun and relax.


To keep your spirits up, indulge in friendly and tasty recipes. To prepare four hands in advance, they will delight the whole family. Lasagna, risotto or biscuits, you will love them. Let's not forget the essential vegetables for a balanced diet. If you're not crazy about it, a few tips will help you avoid the grimace soup.

First, start by revisiting your favorite dishes by adding vegetables. For example, combine a few cauliflower florets into a quiche. It's delicious and lightens up the meal. You can also opt for sautéed vegetables such as spinach with cinnamon powder or stringy cheese or you can use them as a topping for pizza or in pasta au gratin. Play the card of creativity and color with the children. Even a simple salad of raw vegetables can become appetizing if well presented.

At the table!

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