7 products

Collection: Del Santo preserves

The Del Santo company was born in S. Giustina in colle in 1971, it is a family business that is classified in the artisan sector, and it is managed in particular by Gianni De Cecchi and his son.

What makes this company unique in its kind are specifically the foods that are chosen, as they are decidedly of the highest quality and above all fresh. This aspect therefore distinguishes it from other companies, given that the mechanisms of realization of the products it produces are far from the world of technology and machinery.

The Del Santo artisan company produces numerous food items including numerous pickles and other foods such as: pickled vegetables, tomato puree and natural white asparagus.

The gardener

Among the numerous products that can be found of the Del Santo brand there is in particular the pickled vegetables. All you have to do is drain the product, as it is already ready. It is a perfect food to use and serve as an appetizer, meat, side dish for cured meats and boiled fish. Nonno Gianni Giardiniera comes in a 580 g jar, the ingredients present in this specialty are in detail: carrots, cauliflower, Italian vegetables, salt, water, spring onions and wine vinegar. As for the vase, it is presented on the market with an ideal material for conservation, i.e. glass. Additionally, this product may contain elements of sulfites that come from vinegar.

Tomato puree

The Del Santo business produces tomato puree in a completely natural way. Among the available products there is the possibility to choose between: the 280 g Italian organic tomato puree or the 550 g jar version.

It is a natural and organic product, it does not contain allergens and the flavor is unmistakable and exquisite. This ingredient is ready to be used, it is ideal both for seasoning pasta or for seasoning pizza in a natural way.

Natural white asparagus

Natural white asparagus, on the other hand, is another flagship product made by the Del Santo company. The white asparagus are processed immediately after their harvest during the high season. After that, once extracted and processed, they are peeled one at a time using the manual method and subsequently transferred into a glass jar.

Specifically, the white asparagus are placed inside the vase correctly and precisely. The next phase once these processes are completed includes their boiling and salting.

Once the thermal process is complete, they are put up for sale on the market.

Natural white asparagus allows you to perceive the true flavor of the food as it does not contain chemical substances and elements. Furthermore, they can be enjoyed at any time of the year, as the flavor remains unchanged.

Once the mouth is open, all that remains is to drain them, they are excellent both natural and if you prefer to dress them by adding a drizzle of vinegar and oil.

The net weight of the product is 530 g, while once drained it is 320 g. Finally, it is good to know that it does not contain specific elements, as allergens are absent.

Unlike the activities present today in the commercial sector, the Del Santo company takes care of making its products using only the highest quality and hand-fresh ingredients. This is the main detail that differentiates it on the market, the flavor of the products it makes is decidedly unique and natural, it satisfies all palates 100%, even the most refined and sophisticated ones.