3 products

Collection: The Gardin Bee

Gardin's Ape: the excellence of Italian honey

For over 35 years, Ape di Gardin has selected, produced and processed the best honeys in Italy, offering sweets of every variety. By combining the product of the bees of Gardin Apiculture with that of the beekeepers present in every region of Italy, we always guarantee a high quality and excellent product, both from the point of view of flavor and its chemical components.

The selection of beekeepers and the care of bees

To guarantee the best to our customers, we select beekeepers favoring those who work according to traditional methods and consolidated good practices. We pay particular attention to the care of the bees and the quality of the honey produced. We believe it is essential to respect the balance between honey production and the well-being of the bees themselves.

The wide range of genuine honeys

L'Ape di Gardin offers a large variety of genuine honeys, including wildflower, single flower and honeydew honeys. Ape Gardin honeys are rich in the aromas and flavors that bees create by collecting nectar from the best blooms in Italy. Each type of honey has unique characteristics that make it special.

Products derived from beekeeping

The Ape Gardin product range is not limited only to honey. In addition to the classic propolis, beeswax and royal jelly, we also offer a wide selection of compotes, herbal teas, infusions, supplements, sweets and much more. All products are made with the utmost attention to the goodness of the flavors and the naturalness of the ingredients.

Buy your honey online on vettovaglia.com

Now you can conveniently purchase your favorite Ape di Gardin honey on vettovaglia.com. Thanks to the online shopping service offered by Vettovaglia.com, you can receive the delicious Italian honeys selected by Ape Gardin directly to your home. Don't miss the opportunity to taste the authentic sweetness of our honeys.

Purchasing online on vettovaglia.com has numerous advantages. In addition to the convenience of being able to order from your own home, you will have access to a vast selection of products and will be able to read detailed descriptions before purchasing. Furthermore, the secure payment system will ensure the protection of your personal data.

Rediscover the authentic taste of Italian honeys

Gardin's Ape is synonymous with tradition and quality in the world of Italian honey. We are proud to bring the treasures of Italian bees to the tables of our customers. Every drop of honey contains years of work, passion and dedication. Rediscover the authentic taste of Italian honey by purchasing online at vettovaglia.com.